Fecelin news

FECelin News monthly
"La Vita e' Bella...Life is beautiful" ...

How to make your life colourful
by erlin

Photo Album at Multiply

My Design

of Style

23 Living in Singapore

December 2006

76 My Photography

My "Friendster"
My "You Tube"
My "Multiply"
My "Food Recipe"

Monday, July 31, 2006


Brrr...Singapore ujan lagi...asyikkk !!! *o^...

Dingin - dingin gini paling enak ngapain yooo ?kalo di Indo sih nge-bakso tok-tok alias makan bakso abang-abang or mas-mas depan rumah, meskipun kadang gak hygienis n sehat tapi bikin ketagihan...heran yaa...

Berhubung disini abang-abangnya gak ada yang jual bakso, bikin deh sendiri di rumah, gampang murah meriah, ya meskipun masih enakan bakso tok-tok sih :(...but ok lha because cannot tahan ( kata wong sini, hihii... )


Saturday, July 22, 2006


Sejak ikutan fotografer.net, hari - hariku jadi lebih terasa asyik...hobbyku dapat tersalurken juga akhirnya, otak jadi gak beku lagi soalnya dipake ngayal (ngayal juga pake otak lho *o^)...apalagi hobbyku kalo bukan utak - utik foto, paling enggak ilmu kuliah dulu kepake (dikitttt sihhh....)

Dasar jaman udah canggih banget, foto digital bisa diolah jadi jauh bedaaa dan lebih keren dari aslinya...tepu - tepu dikit bahasa gaulnya (lho *o^)...

Kalo si Celin lagi anteng ato bobo...udah deh buru2x duduk depan komputer, bengong ngeliatin foto2x yang mo di-upload dan di-extreme make over...serunya lagi ada acara komentar - mengomentari...sebel juga sih kalo dapet komentar dikit / gak bagus...tapi gimana lagi, wong emang amatir tulen, hihihi...cuma doyan aja bisa mempublikasiken dan share hasil karya sendiri ke orang lain yang lebih pro begete, selama ini kan cuma kesimpen di album yang liat cuma papanya, Celin dan...nyamuk...(lho!)

Si Celin jadi sasaran deh, setiap ada moment lucu, mamanya teriak-teriak suruh jangan bergerak ato nyanyi2x kayak orang gendeng (jadi inget film Unyil aja, hihihi) buat narik perhatiannya biar bisa diphoto...prett !! ok, take a break *o*


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mirip sapaaa yaaaa ??


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Naruwan - Taiwan - Taipei (7 days/6 nights)

The unforgettable moment in our lifetime...
We went to the nicest place (so far), Celin-baby 17 months got sick suddenly, started on the plane - got fever - no medicine - 5 hours trip...can you imagine ?
In Taiwan we took her to the doctor (nearby the hotel, simply by walk) - got better but difficult to feed or took medicine, we slept less.....
After 2 days staying at the hotel, she's healthy like a fish (got diarrhea though)...first, we went to the tallest building in the world (so fantasticccc, cool man !, the elevator could reach 89 floors in only 37 seconds)...and we went to some other beautiful places...we didn't make it to go to the other cities as Celin just got recovered...overall, it's the unforgettable moment...we'll have trip again when Celin's big enough :)...she's everything...*o^